Hug-A-Blogger Award
This award is to be bestowed upon a blogger whom you are so appreciative of, you would like to meet and hug this person in real life. Perhaps their blog makes you smile, gives you great advice, or they are supportive, warm and welcoming hosts/hostesses to their visitors.
The recipient of this award is to:
1. Tell of their most memorable hug ever.
2. Explain who they want to give the award to and why they want to hug that person.
My most memorable hug ever was when I was about 11 years old. The old family dog died. His name was King. He was half german shepherd, half collie. The best damn dog in the universe. My father had been out in the pouring rainstorm digging his grave and putting up a 3-foot tall hunk of quartz for the headstone. He came inside and I looked over at him. My mother didn't like emotions so I was not going to cry in front of her. She walked out of the room and I raced into my dad's arms and cried with him. My father could cry. He could hug. He could laugh. All emotions were allowed. That hug to me said, "whatever you feel, it's valid."
I want to give this award to Max Evel because his blog is my favorite escape. I love the way he sees the world, arranges videos, animates things, puts wicked music to them, is rough around the edges and tough. The little devil makes me want to give him a hug for being something edgy I really need in my day to pump me up and make me feel bad ass. So, Max, this award is for you, you talented devil.
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