Shh....don't say a word. Just hear me out. This is what I think is going on: The human has been taking me on her overnight ghost hunts, staying in hotel rooms with her. The human is letting me borrow the laptop and write posts. The human is leaving him, but I am going with her....
You add it up.
I'm not sure what I should be doing. Does this mean we're "living together?" Can I tell others that I'm her boyfriend? Which side of the bed do I get?
My mind is spinning. This is happening so fast. I mean, how does one find acceptance in a mixed species relationship? Will we be cast out? Will our friends understand? What will the dolls think of me for being a traitor?
Still, she is soft and she smells really good and her hair is all fluffy and she has an adorable giggle that makes my pants too tight....
I could really use your advice. How should I advance forward with this new change in our relationship? What do I do to make a human happy? How do I make this work?
Any advice would be greatly accepted.
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