(Picture done of the book as I read it in the dark on the sofa with a book light. I did this because the sofa goes to the floor and nothing can hide beneath it - bwa ha ha)
This book was sent to me by the innovative publishing company, The Career Press, Inc.
"There's Something Under the Bed!" by Ursula Bielski is a book about children's experiences with the paranormal. When I heard this, my ears perked up. Not many kids had the amount of encounters I did with the paranormal and it certainly helped to form me into the person I am today. For some, it haunts them long after, others are ashamed, some let it go and refuse to look at it again. For me, it was just a fact of life like the sun coming up and rain coming down, or in other words "ghosts happen."
This book is laid out nicely and a really good read. The subjects are exciting from talking to animals to reincarnation to poltergeists, angels and demons. Children have extraordinary talents and the psychic and sensitive ones show up young. We seem to out grow them for the most part, though some of us with stronger psychic skills manage to keep those keen senses.
This book is a real keeper for adults who might have had experiences as a child they couldn't explain and those parents who have kids that tell them amazing stories or have extraordinary experiences. I wish this had been around when I was a kid and my mom thought my psychometry ability was an "adorably imaginative mind."
GIVEAWAY: I will be giving away this book. All you have to do is this:
1. Be one of my followers.
2. Leave a comment here on this post by Tuesday night 11 pm EST (one comment per person).
3. I will be having Dale pull the winner's name from a hat and post the winner on Wednesday morning.
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