This is another in my series about fledgling psychic skills. The prior ones were “Soul Seers” and “Tactile Tuners.” This one is “Tomorrow Tumblers.” Hey, I never said I had great names for these kinds of conditions, but you will be intrigued by what they do. Everyone is psychic but some of us managed to focus on our skills early in life and took them as second nature, others poo-poo’d them or simply did not realize they had them. As I said, my psychometry ability (ability to touch objects and gain stored knowledge from them) was a skill I didn’t know was psychic until I was in my 20s. I truly thought everyone did it. Fledglings are like this, they do things and don’t realize what they are.
Here’s some characteristics of Tomorrow Tumblers…
They get an invite to an event and feel a sudden dread. They will go to any lengths not to go, even though it is something they would normally love to go to. They are driving home from work and suddenly decide to take surface streets for no “apparent” reason.
The phone rings and they know who it is, they think about someone and they get an email out of the blue from her, they finish people’s sentences and shock them that they knew what was about to be said.
They tend to dream about bad events; earthquakes, plane crashes, tidal waves, hurricanes and then they happen in the near future. They tend to experience déjà vu fairly often and while in déjà vu, know what they are supposed to do next to fulfill a pre-destiny.
They know who is next to die in their family. If someone asks them “guess what happened today?” they answer it right.
What do these folks have? Precognition—the ability to have foreknowledge of future events. The fledgling form they have would be called “women’s intuition” or “déjà vu,” but the fact is that they often avoid calamities by leaving the party earlier than the others before the cops came or deciding against the vacation in Chile and then Chile has an earthquake. They seem like a lot of near-misses, but actually they are signs of listening to that intuitive voice within.
It’s not for the person with this fledgling psychic ability to explain why they “get a bad feeling” about something. Just know that they are damned good friends to have when you’re planning to take a flight. Consult them first.
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