It’s quiz time again! Yahoo! Count your a’s, b’s, c’s and d’s and see what you have the most of.
1. Tackling painting a room, I likely would…
a. Make a mess, I suck at painting
b. Make it neat and pretty and be very cautious
c. I wouldn’t volunteer to paint a room
d. Whatever my spouse told me to do
2. You have a choice of fun with friends on a Saturday night and you choose…
a. Go out and get totally smashed and get laid
b. To stay home and watch movies and drink beer
c. Go to our usual bar and play darts
d. Whatever my friends decide on
3. On the dating scene, I tended to…
a. Go for it, pursue and obtain
b. Make friends with someone and work my way in
c. Be lovable and fun
d. Wait for someone to approach me
4. When it comes to horror, I’d rather watch…
a. A gorefest
b. Something with interesting quirky characters in weird situations
c. Something that makes me laugh and cringe
d. The classics
5. So far as religion is concerned.
a. I’m going to hell
b. I go to church regularly but that’s it
c. I used to go to church but stopped when I got older
d. I am very devoted to my faith
Now, count your a’s, b’s, c’s and d’s and find out which one you have more of and scroll way down to find what kind of zombie you will make…
a. Classic mindless flesh-eater from “Night of the Living Dead”
b. “Fido:” A faithful trained servant
c. The stupid buddy on “Shaun of the Dead”
d. Mind-controlled “White Zombie” HooDoo type
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