It’s quiz time, my sweeties! Today’s quiz involves the worst end-of-world scenario for you. Count your a’s, b’s, c’s and d’s and find out!
1. I tend to hate confrontations that involve…
a. Having things sprung on me last minute without warning
b. Long drawn out encounters where no one wins
c. Everyone against me, I’m all alone
d. Both sides getting caught up in hysteria and fighting
2. The worst way to give me bad news…
a. Write it out in email or note
b. Lead up to it in bits and pieces to build up to the news, taking hours
c. Blurt it out in person all at once
d. Spend a day or two dropping hints to prepare and leave me anxious
3. I’m least attracted to someone who is…
a. Spontaneous and lively
b. Assertive and powerful
c. Unpretentious, putting on no airs
d. Warms up after you get to know him/her
4. A really awful party would involve…
a. Being busted by the cops
b. A girl cat fight over a guy
c. Someone getting drunk and puking on the hostess’s dress
d. Everyone getting drunk and passing out all over the place.
5. I’d like least like to be remembered for..
a. Leaving a big impression
b. Fighting for what I believe in
c. Getting what I want
d. Affecting the most people.
Okay, now count your a’s, b’s, c’s and d’s and scroll down to find out what end-of-world scenario gives you the most chills…
a. Asteroid collision
b. Global wars/bombs
c. Zombie attack
d. Virus that spreads fast and kills slowly
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