So, ask me, "how is Hug-A-Blogger coming along?" Glad you asked! Oh my! it's very very exciting. We have all the bloggers in line now that we are going to use--7 of them from all different states. We have the blog up. We have a Twitter and Facebook which we will put the feeds onto the blog for. We are going to put up some posts that are samples of our writing. My son is designing the logo and we are having shirts printed up that say "HUG-A-BLOGGER" and will be selling them on the site too because every blogger should have something to tell people why they're special. We are getting down to the prep time when we put up the proposal on the blog, send the publishers the link, and wait for the magical "yes." When we get the okay, we will make the blog active. It will begin with a map of our crazy planned trip, our preparations, and then when we hit the road it will daily have our photos/zany videos/journalling of the cross-country trip in which we will go to only the strangest places. This is for the horror loving bloggers, you know. It will be totally insane (hey, I'm part of this project, it has to be).
The next thing we need is for folks to go over to Hug-A-Blogger and become followers. We want to show the publishers we already have a following anxious to witness this road trip. We will Tweet daily, as well. In fact, I might even do something insane like let followers tell me what they want me to photograph or videotape or do on Twitter--some kind of road trip dare game and put it on the blog. The followers can watch the adventure and when the book comes out, ya'all can read about the interviews and the times we spent with the bloggers. We'll pick up some super cheesy gifts in gift shops on the road and have giveaways. Since there won't be room enough in the car, we'll take ya'all along as virtually as possible!
Here's the bloggers who have given us the okay--check out their blogs. We love these folks and are itching to give them all hugs for their hard work.
Gummerfan's Monster Hunter HQ
Season of Shadows
Photographing the Dead
Haunt Jaunts
Strange State Paranormal Mysteries
Hayes Hudson's House of Horror
As well, we set up our Twitter as hug_a_blogger
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