I recently did a series about the types of psychic abilities that everyone shows at one time or another and that if developed could become a full-fledged psychic. I mentioned soul seers who had the potential to become mediums, tactile tuners who could become healers and psychometrists, tomorrow tumblers who could become clairvoyants and creature comforters who could become animal psychics.
Many of you wanted to know how to develop these abilities and there are a lot of ways to work on psychic skills. The very first thing I would advise is to just journal it. Any time you have that strange premonition, from knowing who is calling on the phone to having an angry animal suddenly calm down and approach you. Note if it happened several times in one day and look for patterns. What is happening in your life? Sometimes, we are more receptive when we are contented and not stressed and other times we are more sensitive when we are depressed. See if there are good days, bad days or an entire week of luck followed by weeks of nothing.
There is a feeling you get in your body when you psychically connect. For many, this presents itself as “fact.” It’s as if you already know this thing to be fact so when you confirm that you were right, it seemed the obvious conclusion. That sensation is important to note. Ultimately, developing your skill depends on your learning to tune into how you felt when you made a reading or prediction that came true. Then, in the future when you get that same set of sensations, you will know you are on the right track.
I often suggest daily psychic testing so you can learn what happens inside you when you get the right answer. Each time you go to click on a picture on the screen and it is the wrong one, notice how you felt while picking that one. Then, notice how you felt while picking the right one. There is a sense of “knowing” and that it is “fact” that you feel inside your mind and body—a strange “rightness.” You will also find some days are particularly magical and other days are total duds. Even seasoned psychics run into this, as well. There are factors we don’t yet know about that make some days just total clunkers and it could be preparation, state of mind, or even geophysical forces we aren’t aware of. I usually like testing on gotpsi.
Being in contact with that which you are talented is helpful. I suggest the creature comforters spend as much time as possible with animals and petting new ones to learn to accept information from the animal by the simple contact and postures. If you go to a dog park and pet a new dog, ask the owner whatever impression you get "he took some time to learn to trust, huh?" It's a good way to test your abilities. Tactile Tuners dive right into flea markets and antique stores and touching your friend's antiques when visiting his house. Tomorrow Tumblers can open themselves to reading the newspaper or watching the news before bedtime. As much as you worry that could cause nightmares, it often times embeds events in your mind and life has a strange way of repeating these events and you will have honed in on one of the catastrophes you saw or read about and become now focused on future occurrences. For Soul Seers, I always suggest studying a room of people, finding the ones with old souls--life wisdom and insight. Introduce yourself and learn their stories. Learn if your instincts about people are spot-on. It's just like painting landscapes or writing lyrics, if you don't practice, you can't do it well.
Ultimately, it’s a matter of self observation. You need to learn if you hear things, see things, imagine things as if they are memories in your head, get them in your dreams or feel them in your body. I also suggest the regular practice of meditation so you can clear your mind and allow information to enter. It is a skill that is very helpful in gathering knowledge. You may not have the patience or the desire to become a full-fledged psychic, but fledglings can benefit from their insights as they also help them to make life decisions with a gut instinct many do not take notice of.
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