Here's what I remember on Saturday night when the Human was having her ghost hunt at the hotel. We got to the room. She unloaded me from the overpacked suitcase. She propped me up on the bed and then proceeded to change--in front of me! (I cannot close my eyes, so what's a guy to do???)
She put on a swimsuit and went to the pool with her buddies. I remained behind with an open bottle of champagne at the bedside. I could have turned on the TV, but the remote control was too high up. I couldn't climb and was still cramped up from being in the damned suitcase.
I looked around for something to do, but all there was were a bunch of ghost hunting equipment that frightens me, her tool belt, and that crazy lacy stuff she was wearing under her clothes (made my eyelid twitch to sit so close to it). Enough time studying the Victoria's Secret label and I was ready for a drink. Why the hell didn't this Victoria share her secret with the doll girls???
I admit, I sipped the champagne. Just the little bit left in her cup. Then, I got the bottle. The next thing I knew, I woke up the floor and sunlight was streaming through the window. I missed the ghost hunt. I missed the photo opportunities. Damn! I missed the stupid human strobe light dancing (admittedly a hilarious carnival of stupidity).
I do not understand what happened to me and why I would miss a ghost hunting opportunity with the lovely Miss Julie. The only explanation I can find is that she slipped me a Mickey. Put it into the champagne bottle. It's the only explanation because I am certain I can hold my liquor.
I awakened with a throbbing plastic headache and my eyes were dry. I felt a bit queasy when she shoved me back into the suitcase. All I have for evidence I was at this event is this hideous picture (above). I believe I set the timer to take a picture but didn't realize it would take so long to shoot, so I took a swig while I was waiting. Oh, the humiliation.
The next ghost hunt, I will not drink, even if her unmentionables drive me to it!
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