This is a subject that really excites me. I hope to do more posts in the future on this as ideas evolve.
Let’s think about hundreds of years ago when ghost hunting meant séances or Ouijas and psychic mediums to intercede. Fast forward to the time of Edison and we see the beginnings of the concept of EVPs (electronic voice phenomenon—voices/sounds caught on tape not hard by the recording individuals). Along comes the 21st century and we’ve made it to using electrician’s tools and audio/video equipment to try and capture phenomenon and look for commonalities and ways to better predict and determine if a place is haunted. But, we’re certainly still not there yet. Even with shows like “Ghost Hunters” presenting evidence, it cannot be verified, weighed or measured.
Our tools today are crude and ineffectual. Voice recorders are apt to pick up all kinds of signals, as it is a receiver and we live in a world filled with satellite signals, radiowaves, cell phone, microwave signals…you name it! Your EMF meter and KII meter—meant for electricians and can easily pick up all the free flowing electromagnetic signals wandering around in a world that is not a shielded lab.
So, what’s up next for ghost hunting? Let’s look at some avenues of possibilities:
Visual: Better photography in thermal, ultraviolet and infrared spectrums, x-ray photography, photography of radiation, microwaves, full-spectrum, Kirlian, and anything else we can come up with visually. Ideally if we find the spectrum these spirits can be seen in, we should be able to film them fully and not just a blip in one photo.
Audio: The use of the infrasound spectrum by using meters to see if infrasound (very low frequency sounds not heard by human ears but felt by the body), as well as ways of sending out messages in the infrasound spectrum. As well, ultra high frequency might be another avenue for exploration.
Spiritual: Seances and mediums aside, the concept is a good one. Why not expand our minds to be able to astrally project or perhaps remote view and lock into other spirits? The expansion of the human mind in controllable exercises could show some actual legitimate help in the field for communicating with spirits. Spiritual paths may have to be combined with brain stimulation devices to work the temporal lobes or the pineal gland. We often are visited by the dead in our sleep. There's a reason for this. Our mind state makes it possible for the passage of messages and information. Sleep studies and lucid dreaming in combination with a sleep helmet custom made to send electrical stimulation to the proper region of the brain--all possibilities.
Physics: Ultimately, quantum physics and research at places like CERN could actually shed some light on how ghosts occur, how they communicate, as well as how psychics gather information. Once we know their paranormal pathway, we can hopefully tap into it and transfer information through this means and detect it when it's occurring.
Controlled situations will be essential for proof of ghosts. We have to have labs shielded from EMF, radiation, microwaves, radiowaves, et cetera, where a truly controlled study can be done. This will help us to prove whether EMF meters and other devices have any efficacy at all and perhaps what does seem to work to measure their presence. It might need to be a portable constructable shielded room placed in a haunted environment.
The final step for ghost hunting will be the most obvious one; bring the ghosts to us. After all, there is no reason why a ghost would be limited by walls, weather, space, distance, or even time. The ideal situation is a lab that is completely controlled and shielded in which we can bring forth and test ghostly properties.
I’d very much like to hear your concepts on the future of ghost hunting.
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