Grim of Grimoire of the Hour and I have decided it’s hard to get a good quality horror writing critique group together in our local areas, so we’ve decided to start a writer’s critique group where people can share scenes and get feedback to hone their skills, share info on potential markets for pedaling their work, and generally support and inspire each other.
I did consider whether to make it a blog, but realized that writers are private people and the work should stay within the group, so here’s my email: psychic62@hotmail.com. We will work through email to pass on our scenes and do our critiques. Once we’ve set up a group of writers, we will make a group mailing list so that scenes can be sent out to the group and replied all by the group members for feedback.
What we’re looking for:
People who are not just hobbyists, but expect to be or are already published horror writers
People who are willing to give feedback honestly and receive honest tactful feedback
People who are actively writing works
People who want to help each other prepare and submit work
So, email me (address in the second paragraph) and tell me a bit about your writing experience, if you’ve been published, what sort of horror you write, and if you could include at least a few paragraphs of some of your work (keep it under 500 words if you can), then Grim and I can review it and make our decisions. We’d like to open it to everyone who applies, but we realize that we need to keep the group tight and professional and not too time consuming for all the group by having too many members' work to read or people at different levels of experience. We're looking for a compatible small group and hope to get ourselves published and taking our writing seriously.
So you know what you're getting into (because you're no doubt interviewing us too), here are examples of our writing: Grim's prize winning flash short story and my flash short story that won the Travel Channel's "Ghost Adventures" show contest.
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