Thank you, my dear friend, Anadæ, for sending me this video as a gift to his "open-minded" ghost hunting friend.
I admit, as ghost hunters go, I'm the agnostic. I've seen a lot of weird stuff I can't explain but I'm not quick to attribute it to the spirits of the dead. That makes me rather unpopular in the ghost hunting world. There's an enormous majority who not only believe they're chasing the souls of the departed, but also know why they haunt "they don't know they're dead," "they have unfinished business," "they're attached to this place..." Yada yada yada... (Sigh. Roll my eyes)
Although the concept of spirits being the cause of phenomenon is a conclusion I can understand, given that the house I grew up in was an old Civil War Hospital at one time and still had blood stains on the wood floors, it also was atop of a mass of quartz and a wellspring. It also had dozens and dozens of families in almost 250 years living there, that's a lot of imprinted memories. It also saw a great deal of emotional upheavel--Revolutionary War and Civil War and death and dying. It also still contained a lot of relics within its foundation and crawlspace. Any of these factors could be at fault.
Once a person knows what a ghost is and has a preconceived mindset about it, they stop looking for answers. It's the same with religion. Once you know "The Truth," there can be no other variables. The mind closes shut to the sound of a rusty door hinge. The soul hardens. The personality becomes paranoid. Thus, George Bush and Dick Chenney are born.
I know I'm not an athiest of the ghost hunting world. I definitely know there's phenomenon with absolute certainty. I might believe it's spirits of the deceased, should I experience evidence that draws me to that conclusion (thus, I'm "agnostic" in this realm). I am not, however, an absolute believer that we're dealing with sentient beings of the departed. There are too many possibilities from other dimensions to a life form that evolved alongside of us without the need for physical form to physical phenomenon created by the Earth and geomagnetic activity and seismic activity to events imprinting on environments given the right conditions and repeatedity.
See what it's like to ghost hunt open-minded? Limitless. I'm not trying to prove ghosts, I'm trying to prove phenomenon. Then, I'm trying to find out why phenomenon? how phenomenon? where phenomenon? when phenomenon? who phenomenon?
I hope the film above helps you. I found it to be truly enlightening.
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