Here's a couple of the dolls I've "operated" on so far. One I call Rosy because she looks like she has bubonic plague. The other is a crackled face one. I made the sores using Elmer's glue in thick globs and let dry for a few days, then peeled it back. The crackled one was made with crackle medium (found in the craft store near the acrylic paints). I'm "operating" a bunch more and when they're done and ready to display, I'll show you those too. Hope it's creeping you out. I'm keeping the dolls to store. Some day, when my son moves out and I can have my own office in the house, I hope to have a wall of these dolls staring at me as I write horror and a bunch of rusted farm implements hanging over my head (like the editor's deadlines)!
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