I often like to cover new finds in the ghost hunting field, but today I came across a few that I absolutely have to add to my collection. Because ghost hunting is often in locations I don’t know and I can wander the grounds and surrounding woods and such, I’d like to know I’m going to get back safely. For this purpose, I found the Bushnell Backtrack. This simple handheld device makes it possible to arrive, mark a spot with GPS, and then travel around all you wish and find your way back to your car, the abandoned building, or group meeting spot with no trouble at all. It also has a compass as well. It even has a loop so it can be hung on a chain around your neck, leaving you hands free.
Another cool other is a Highgear Terrapod hand-held weather station. This can give you the wind chill factor, temperature, and barometer. Many people report the sensation of their head crushing and ears popping (signs of a dropping barometric pressure) and temperature drops too are associated with ghostly activity. This one is easy to hold, small, and once again—could be hung on the cord with the GPS device above.
Yeah, I may be a nerd, but my hands are free when I’m hunting.
The Brinno BirdWatchCam can be mounted to take motion-activated pic’s. I thought of getting this one for Bigfoot hunts, but honestly I thought about it and a ghost hunt might be an ideal place for this one. Some people do set up motion-activated lights, but this would click a picture instead.
The MacDaddy piece of equipment I would get if I won the lottery tomorrow, is night vision goggles. Not having to use a flashlight and being able to walk around as if it’s daylight is an amazing thing, as well as making it possible to view things your eyes can’t view well in the dark. Admittedly, as we age our night vision gets worse and worse and we can see things that aren’t there because of variations in our field of vision with decreased light.
There’s lots of fun options for geek-dom in the ghost world, I thought I’d keep you up on the possibilities. I personally use a fanny pack made for photographers to put all my instruments in. I have it so well memorized, that I can pull things out of the pouches without looking, knowing where my EMF meter is, the thermometer, et cetera. Some people use fishing vests too. Honestly, any good sporting good stores will give you endless ideas for how to be more hands free and able to crawl and get dirty while knowing where your equipment is.
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