You will be getting probably once-a-week reminders that Halloween is coming (I got a three-month jump, but hey, it's my time of the year!) These books by Tom Nardone, "Extreme Pumpkins" are ridiculously fantastic. They make great Halloween gifts, but most of all, they're just so funny you can't put them down. He has tons and tons of crazy Jack-O-Lantern designs that are over the top and easy to do! He goes to great detail to explain the techniques too.
He has Jack-O-Lanterns barfing up their insides, baby ones with poopy diapers, aliens, tiki's, Frankenstein, and even one eating a Barbie doll. You'll never look at carving the same way again!
They're like $7-8 on Amazon or you can get them used (they way I buy) for a penny and $3.99 shipping ($4 total).
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