Although it’s still early in the research to draw real correlations yet, I keep running into themes that run strongly. Here’s something I’ve noticed so far from my research into my “Haunted Formula.”
I pulled out a log I've kept of ghost hunting jaunts and which ones provided great activity. They always correlated to a night of geomagnetic activity. Could this be a contributory factor with the geology to create an ideal "action" night?
Geology is important. Fault lines are important. Construction of the building is important. Running water seems to be important. Train tracks seem to occur incidentally, haven’t necessarily made the connection yet. And, of course, having a history of trauma and death is vitally important to a haunting, but perhaps not necessary.
It seems like the more I investigate this, the more I come across things serendipitously. I was watching a program about Crop Circles, something I’ve not given a lot of thought to, but a man who wrote a book about them was speaking and something he said seemed to strike me. Simeon Hein, Ph.D. wrote the book “Opening Minds: A Journey of Extraordinary Encounters, Crop Circles, and Resonance.” I found a sample of the book online here. He was telling about how they’ve learned that meditation can actually change an area’s energy and that in areas of Crop Circles, people's bodies seem to feel something new in the environment imprinted there.
This so strangely correlates with what I’ve found in regards to hauntings being events imprinted into an environment under the right conditions. I’ve also experimented with spending meditation time with pleasant images and memories in a place that has a bad feeling to it in order to change the feel of that place with a new imprint. It’s just a theory, but I think it’s possible to heal haunted places by replacing bad emotions with good ones, changing the "memories" of the spot. This might also explain why some places seem to lose their haunting efficacy over time when they’re open to the public to trample upon over and over again, therefore changing the overall mood of the place.
The ancients seemed to know a great deal about earth energy and natural ley lines, where to place stones to empower the area. They used stones for a reason I believe could correlate to haunted stone buildings and the geology of the land—it’s a good recording device. If you ever get the chance to see “The Stone Tapes,” a British movie made in 1972, you’d find it worth your while. It’s sometimes hard to find and because it’s British, you might to see it on your computer and not your DVD player – incompatible. But, when I happened across this movie, it really made me sit up and go, “yes!” I could never explain what it was about the elements of where I grew up that seemed to be dripping with memories and feelings and history. Sure, it was an important historic site, but the creek, the wellsprings, the shale, quartz, and the very mineral contents of the earth combined with the thick-walled stone foundation home that sat on a hill, seemed to make a weird set of circumstances. Even as a child visiting historic sites up and down the East Coast, I was easily able to identify the places that would be haunted. It was an observation made by the actual physicality of the location.
So, as I continue my research, these things are floating in my mind. I’m sure when all is said and done, it’ll make clear sense what properties a place needs to have to be haunted, but I also believe a place with no history of death or trauma could be haunted as well. This is just a guess at this point that I hope to find proof of, but I believe that in the right setting, a family can impart memories into the home, leaving a residual emotional stew that can be stirred up.
Continue to follow. When I get new bits of wisdom, I’ll share them. I have very few places to list their scores yet on here and then I’m on to studying the “hard haunting” proof of the locations.
I’m so glad you’re following along with me. I really don’t know yet what it’ll show us, but I think it’s time someone sat down and quit saying “bad things happened here, that’s why it’s haunted” and started asking, “why is this place haunted but not that one with a similar event occurring?”
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