Compare the two places above—which seems more likely to be haunted?
Whether one believes in the efficacy of Feng Shui or not, the guidelines of this Asian practice do help to create a living space that lifts the mood and seems to chase away bad thoughts. If you ever wonder why closets, basements, and attics are more haunted than other parts of the house, this could be based on the yin (dark/female) and yan (light/male) rules. Why else do you suppose ghost hunting takes place in the nighttime more often than not? Whether we realize it or not, the darkness is an ideal cloak for secrecy and hiding. Bringing things “out into the light” makes them impossible to avoid, both figuratively and literally (good lesson in life).
What can you do to make your home have more yan and less yin? Very simple. Add light. Open blinds and windows, use warm colors indoors and outdoors for decorating, and try not to leave any corners dark or cluttered. If you’ve ever been to a house with tons of chatzki’s, you know how uncomfortable, dark, cluttered, and musty the place feels. It seems to almost breed disease and depression. Too much busy-ness causes the entire home to feel scattered, manic, and creates lots of places to block energy from circulating through. In dark corners of a room, use a mirror to help bring light into the space, keep blinds open, pick up clutter and things that block natural pathways in the house. If you can’t manipulate around, neither can psychic energy which remains trapped.
I personally like to add lots of references to nature, whether it’s pine cones, geods, sea shells, or branches from a tree. The warm colors from nature, the light, and the nature references calm the humans, as well as the spirits. This might also be a reason why house renovations can stir up so much activity in haunted homes. The very active of moving a wall, bringing in light, changing this, makes it impossible to continue inhabiting that space.
Just take a walk through your home and look at the cold, dark, cluttered spaces, look at the pathways, look at perpetually closed off doorways. The rules of Feng Shui help the living as much as the dead. It simply makes for a better mental state, more energy, and more success. There are even different quadrants of the house that represent different parts of your life and difficult colors that empower those parts of your life such as success and family. This is a truly interesting practice with very practical applications.
If you’d like to learn more about Feng Shui in general, there’s a lot of information out there. I’d recommend checking out this site. I found it to be simple and easy to follow.
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