I'm so excited that B&Bs and folks with haunted hotels are getting into ghost hunting weekends. Regular folks without access to historic sites but want to learn about hunting ghosts, can use equipment and learn stuff while having a getaway and sleeping amongst ghosts. Here's just some examples of what's out there:
Chestnut Hall in New Oxford Pennsylvania offers a ghost hunter's weekend pursuit March 27/28 2009. It includes being taught the equipment, doing a hunt, learning to use your own ESP to help you on the hunt. Learn more at:
Lizzie Borden Bed and Breakfast in Fall River Massachusetts. There are tours of the house and on weekdays and on weekends it can be rented out. This is the famous murder site of Lizzie Borden's father and mother. Learn more at:
Villisca Ax Murder House in Villisca, Iowa. This house was the site of an entire family and two family friends murdered with an ax in 1912. A total of two adults and six children were found dead by a family relative. The murders went unsolved. It is believed that someone or some people hid in the attic until the family came home from church. Tours are offered during the daytime and by reservation a group can have the place for the night. Learn more at:
Thayer Hotel in Annandale, Minnesota. This historic old building is used for mystery dinners and ghost hunting classes with the opportunity to participate in the ghost studies while staying there. Originally a rail road hotel. Learn more at:
And, for even more listings, check here:
I'm excited about this just because it works for the business and for the folks who stay there to offer a different kind of getaway than can usually be found. Some folks want to go by zip line through the rainforest, others want to dig a well in Africa on safari, but still others want to hunt ghosts in historic buildings. What's really exciting is that we can now use the "G" word in the hospitality business and they don't frown at us. In fact, many are encouraging it.
I'm not certain about the efficacy of ghost hunting in places that are stampeded in by lots of bodies every day, but sometimes a site just needs the right enticement and often times that a person with the right attitude, who is curious, open, and casual. That's why Jason and Grant have so much success in TAPS. There's nothing tense about them. They want to sit down and shoot the breeze.
Enjoying a trip and having unseen guests amongst you? A ghost hunters dream!
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