I started out with just a camera in hand going to cemeteries. Later, I got a big purse so I could put a sketchbook inside because cemeteries inspired me and so I could carry the contents of my regular purse and only carry one bag. Well, one thing leads to another and before long I had an electronic voice recorder, divining rods, a pendulum, a laser thermometer... I moved up to a courier bag. It would have worked pretty well, except every time I fished around in the dark for something, everything felt the same. Was that the digital recorder or the digital camera? Was that my mag flashlight or my EMF meter? Where's the batteries? I need a pen and paper to take notes quickly... Darn!
Okay, so I moved up finally to something that makes absolute sense. I got myself a photographer's fanny pack. I considered a fisherman's vest but I live in the desert and it's freakin' hot enough already. Yeah, I suppose it screams nerd, but my first time out using it on a hunt in an abandoned prison all night, I fished things out without needing any light and was the only one with recorder handy upon a moment's notice. My hands were free so I could use my camcorder. It worked out fantastic. There were inside zippers for keys and ID.
Since every pocket has a purpose, I know where my thermometer is, my EMF meter, my KII meter, my digital camera, my digital recorder, a tap light (a round tap light that can be used to try to provoke a ghost to tap it and show you they're present), and a pocket for the batteries. There's places I can clip my flashlight off the edge. I even got a little Velcro ring that has a blue light on it and I wear it on my finger all night while on a hunt and I can click it on and off and have light without using my hands.
If you wondered, I'm a Virgo. Yeah, everything about me screams organization and simplicity versus sentimentality and chaos.
In considering ways to organize your ghost hunting gear for the best efficiency and mobility and hands-free, try looking up photography and fishing vests/fanny packs/bags. I honestly don't care if I look like a geared-up geek when I know that those seconds between a phenomenon occurring and recording it is the difference between a successful hunt and one filled with stories but no proof.
I will admit, too that while wearing so much battery-operated equipment near you body, you do seem to have more sensations during the hunt. I'll take a wild guess that this is kind of like the episode of "Ghost Hunters" where the sound dude carrying his huge battery pack got walloped by the unseen. Having a ready source of power nearby could make you a beacon of sorts, but hey, the good side is that if you're wearing the easily accessible tools, you can probably record proof of your little visitor.
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